— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There is God in the world.
I have been an officer for 23 years. The figure is ordinary and working. A week ago, a group of small dealers took heroin sold in the private sector. My colleague and I (the girl-mates) were holding up and depicting a couple walking. When it was about to be taken off the shelf, three robbers with traditional claims came to our "loving couple." Moving with fist and fist was filled with a breakdown of detention. Turn out the pockets and find the same crusts there with the tabular "bowl" - too. I was embarrassed to run 300 meters. Then they jumped into the personal car of the Beaush model, which stood around the corner, and went around - back by the sidewalk. The arrest took place without us. The clothes were washed, which was very unfortunate.
Now the most interesting. Those figures drew the number of my car and somehow calculated where I was written. As I realized, I decided that I was running so well (i.e. I am a coward and I own a car. The money is there), they were illuminated with a sign to cut off the bubble on me and the day after three appeared to me under the windows and began to "invisibly" err around the car. It was a little wrong with their script, but it was not bad.
Generally speaking, now they are sitting in a monkey’s ward and waiting for a lawyer, I have testified and I am drawing up this simple story here.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna