— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I got into a hospital with a fracturing of the key. Before the operation, they had to do conductive anesthesia - this is when a nerve node is crushed and some part of the body is cut off, and one young, sympathetic anesthesiologist's assistant performs. Colitis, therefore, and does not get into the right node, once colitis, two colitis... seven... I do not get very well, the condition is premature, please wait a little while until I rest. Rested, again does not work, it is removed by the doctor, colitis and falls from the first time. They are taken to the operating room, she is in a row and suddenly asks why you are smiling and here I realize that somewhere after the fifth or sixth time on my face just frozen grimace something remotely resembling a smile. And I myself will not understand why, whether from the fact that I got not experienced, and watching her actions was fun, whether from the fact that I understood, she will assist and it is not even a smile, but the literal state of "I am in the shower"...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna