— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was recalled: in the early 1980s, one regional youth newspaper on April 1 posted an announcement that at N-time in N-place, N pairs of old shoes would be exchanged for shoes that were at the time deficient.
At that time, readers with bags of old shoes gathered, waiting for nothing, and a lava of angry letters and calls fell on the editorial board.
A few days later, a small note appeared in the newspaper that the previous publication was an April 1 joke, and a few more words about the sense of humor.
The audience exploded. Angry letters went not only to the editorial board, but also to the authorities and party structures.
Over the course of several months, she published repentant articles in the edition and poured her head in ashes.
By the way, the April 1 joke in that newspaper appeared annually, but being intended for the youth audience, they went harmlessly, well a few strangers will gather, laugh at themselves. That year, they were not lucky enough to go to the holy place.

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