— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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> I have the following answer:
Our son, hearing your game, feels violated in his rights, because with the same level of skill he cannot play. Because of this, he experiences a moral inconvenience that he cannot correct. And so we ask that we stop violating our son’s rights to equality. Otherwise, we will bring you to court for moral damage.

- I wonder, but why did they not yet come to mind the brilliant idea to judge all the famous performers? and :)
You can answer them in the same spirit: “Your car is better than mine. I feel damaged because I can’t buy the same good car, causing me a moral discomfort that I can’t fix. Please sell your good car, otherwise I will bring you to court.
If they don’t understand the analogy and still go to court, just say in the process: “He has all the rights to play at any level of skill, I do not insult him in anything, and he can’t realize his rights because he doesn’t have the necessary abilities or skills. Let him exercise more and then he can exercise his rights."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna