— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Interview with Milosevic.
“Imagine your son grows up and says to you one day, ‘Dad, you know, I feel like I’m gay.’ Are you ready for that?
Well, of course, all kinds of temptations are sent by God. But the fact is that this disease is calmly treated by fasting and prayer. I do not know of a single case in the Russian Orthodox Church where sincere repentance for this sin would not heal this person. And people get rid of, you know, just as there are people who admit that they are kleptomans, that they are, there, prostitutes. So in this, fasting and prayer treat this disease very effectively. We go to church and talk to the priest. He will tell him that this is just a bad habit that you can calmly get rid of.

YYY: Well, he’s probably already got rid of it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna