— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dr_Mebius A few years ago my office was transformed into a polygon. On the wall at different heights were wrapped spikes, and on the floor were wrapped brushes. The task of the robot was: to independently measure the spikes, prepare a shield from the fender (to wrap the holes of the correct diameters), hang the shield on the spikes and wrap the gauges.

The program was delayed for a month. When it was handed over to the customer, he prepared a check at the field: one rod was screwed at the corner. When I noticed this, I trembled: What will happen? Is it possible to make a larger diameter of the hole? My programmer (I pray for him) just smiled. When the machine reached the curve of the barrel, she said: "Well, cyka...", she screwed the gauge on the barrel and straightened it with a hammer. The Japanese were faint. They said they didn’t ask for a car with “Russian intelligence.” Nevertheless, the work was accepted.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna