— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Students were drinking in the center. They drank beer with vodka because students and money was not enough. There were no cells. I called a local student from the automate. and transitionally.
His story for the next day:
1 call: (the guys are fun but still adequate) Sanya, where you can sit in the center.
2 calls: (the guys are hard to put the slogs into words) Sanya...... this...... try to buckle with us...
3 calls: smile...aula...... brewaal (short slides)
4 calls: (no one can say anything, in the tube a loud singing and zero emotions on my alley)
5 call: Alexander, you are bothered by a lieutenant like that from the Verkhisetsky shaker, we have picked up your friends here. Do you want to pay a penalty for them?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna