— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The fun incident happened on the third day :)
A younger accountant, a blonde in the shower and in life, was instructed to have a bank client. Even without opening the instructions given to her in the bank, she relocates the task to the IT department. Well, herrrrr with you - I'm going to generate a certificate well and everything there depends. In order to make the certificate - you need a FIO on whom, a phone (where the PIN codes are rolled), soap, well, for the little things like INN, etc. Well, FIO gave the wrong employee, it happens. How did you get a left-hand phone? Generally the Left! The publicity. At the question subsequently - and what is this phone followed the answer: - Well, when he was dictated by Andrew, I first wanted to indicate my own, but then changed my mind and called the phone of the accountant.
The first four digits of yours, the other four digits of the headbook. Wait for SMS.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna