— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story took place in the glorious city of Zelenograd in the year edak 2005.

I bombed then at night on my old "ten" a lot and a lot.

The account is not very successful. But let’s not be sad, let’s start. this

A tall and slim guy I noticed from a distance, he ran straight on the road.

The roadway is ridiculously shaking hands trying to brake the sidewalk.

Cowardly blocking the door and dropping down the right glass, I stopped next to it.

with him. It turns out that he was neither a suicide nor a maniac.

He needs to take his aunt and aunt home urgently.

The trauma point. No Questions! The test was solid, high and

intelligent man in perfectly tailored coat and beautiful fur

The hat, the aunt under becomes such, you know, the wife of Decabrist. She

She carefully held her husband under the pen helping him sit on the back.

The seat. On the right foot of the intellectual (hereafter TI)

The fresh gips. In the car the figures are placed (this is important!The following

“A young man from my right hand is behind him, you and I.

In the course of the trip, I almost understood what they had.

has occurred. The young man gave his wife's parents a washing machine.

She absolutely did not want to enter the bathroom door. you

He proposed to remove the door, and MCH was convinced that if the machine

A little up, she goes in. When I raise the laundry

She fell on her leg, and the test was inside, and the machine

stuck in the door intentionally, had to evacuate the wounded

The hands. All this I understood by listening to the monologue of the monologue that

The elderly need to listen, and so on, MCH shrugged his head, it seemed like this

The story had a great impact on his psyche. Here we have arrived.

The front and rear doors opened simultaneously. The bullet jumped out.

The car wants to help the test out. He jumped out with force.

The door did not close.“Strange,” I thought, “Surely the castle

freezing, it will have to be lubricated" Probably the same penetrated the brain and

He knocked the door for the second time. It all happened literally.

A second later, I heard a terrible scream behind my back.

I swear my hair on my head. Oral, no, not even oral, but

You whispered with a wild voice! And then I understood what happened.The doors opened

“It was hard to get up from the back seat and he

He made a terrible mistake taking his hand for the stand between the front and the rear.

The door. That’s why the front door didn’t want to close. of course!

My hand disturbed! And I wanted to smash... I had to go back shortly.

The Injury. Imagine a picture: behind a crawling test with a subwoofer

In front of him, in the tate of his aunt, I am, barely withholding laughter and entirely upset.

with a frozen look. No, this is not the end. The girl calls.

The phone.“Yes, Lennochko, no Lennochko, we go back to the trauma point. Why is? A is

Valer's father also broke his hand. I slow down, I fall off.

Car, I bump my ass in the Sugar and RJU! P.S Continued movement only.

After the son-in-law swore to me that they would continue.

and silence. I did not take money.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna