— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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shturn: What we are, however, inside we are disgusting and fragile. Alien metal and silicon organisms look at the Earth’s protein anthropomorphic jelly as shit!

Dr. Mengele: Or maybe the opposite. They look and envy "how harmonious they are. Everything is assembled, elegantly flowing and cooled with the most complex liquids. It only grows. They live in an aggressive oxygen water environment. Not what we have. The crystals are broken. Amy cries and fucking. From water, rust is everywhere, from oxygen – and worse still.
or sit in their own leprosy... not. in the site of "Rjavčina" and discuss their crystal surgeon, who knows how to translate sandstones with micron precision, and the centers of crystallization asks the best of all. and also virtuously heals shells in metal with a solution of silicates. which must be changed afterwards. are planted...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna