— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Vasya was a veterinarian for years. A veterinarian from God. He treated such pets, who in other clinics were immediately sent under a syringe. But like all doctors, he was distinguished by excellent cynicism. In his private home always lived dogs, cats and other animals, which he treated very pragmatically. In the sense of feeding. For example, a lady brings her favorite cat in bands to him. Leaves Vase money for a special sort of charis, whom the only one wills to bite a cat. Oh, Vasa says, get in the best shape, go to your home in Miami and walk a whole month quietly. We will feed the charisma on parU and wash three times a day. A happy lady serves, and her reckless pet receives from Vasy food - a boiling water-boiled hercules. Without everything. The cat cries crazyly at this unnecessity and falls away with all its appearance, expressing contempt for this two-legged. Oh, says Vasya, and puts the dish in the refrigerator. The next day, the same dish is taken from the refrigerator and placed in front of the basket. The contempt of the coward for this wickedness only increases. Oh, says Vasya and puts the dish in the refrigerator. The greatest achievement was 10 days – one such aristocrat held. It always ended the same way - it was worth Vase to throw a cushion in the air, he did not reach the ground, someone from the pets caught him directly in the air. The burning housewives of pets could not then rejoice on them - those after Vasina's prey ate ALL, and suddenly they will not give more. Moreover, the reflex of eating all that was found was preserved in all breeds equally and forever. This was the case until Masha was brought to Vasa, a shepherd of collie, who was abandoned by the owners in distant villages. Masha was not only born, but also smart. The liquid Hercules impressed her with such strength that Masha began to ask Vasya to accompany him through the village. Vasya good, why not walk with the dog to the mashazin. But Masha had her own goal - she was looking for the fatest women in the encounter, quietly lagging behind Vashi and throwing herself thick under her legs, complaining of her skull and swinging. Everything ended well, one such lady regretted the dog and took to live with her. Vasa was not against. Meeting on the street of the village of two round and caressed individuals - the lady and Masha - he smiles with both. They found each other. Masha is smart, she understood that women are better than men, and full women also eat well and obviously not liquid oatmeal. Here I found my happiness.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna