— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ]
HHH: I am breathing up here.
WOW: I will see that.
xxx: My mom's girlfriend was constantly crying, like her son lives with a girl who is scary, and the hut collapses, the house is dirt, unwashed dishes and garbage around the corners, even in bags.
How does this affect your health? The waltz receives...
We set up silence, we listen eagerly. Yesterday I came to my mom for a cup of tea dark and thoughtful. The type came to visit the heir and there cleanly, the repair was going on, fed, drank, withdrew money for the continuation of the repair and wished to come as long as the time was.
Did I eat it, did I eat it?
The boy Dima has got into a relationship with a girl and lives with a boy, which is characteristic, Dima.
WOW is powerful.
Can you help with the repair?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna