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The intelligence of animals.
In the early 1990s, we had a dog called Doberman. It sounds awful, but then he was a tiny goat for forty days from the family, put on his palm. From the body of a large lamp TV, I built him a booth in the hallway. The dog loved to settle in it and lived until it grew up.
At that time, my wife was sitting without work for a long time, but then found it and in the morning, like me, began to leave the house. He was alone all day, and he didn’t like it. He was then 8 to 9 months old, according to dog standards, a teenager. And he decided in the measure of his strength and intelligence to fight against such a bestial attitude toward the animal.
I went to work all his life, he used to it, so I focused on his wife.
To begin with, he bite the German shoes he bought two weeks ago for 60 backs, in which his wife went to work. Remember, in those poor times, money is not small. As a minor, he only received an oral excuse, but already realized that it was not in the shoes - his wife went to others. I haven’t broken any shoes in my whole life.
Then he noticed that his wife was leaving with her suitcase, and in the evening he bit her a belt. The next day, the wife left with another bag, and in the evening the picture repeated. I repaired my bags. The boy's teeth were sharp, and he did not wet his skin, but cut it off with a bite like a scissor.
On the third day in the morning, he demonstrately bite the belt in front of his wife’s eyes when she was already wearing the coat. There was no time for disassembly, his wife in front of his eyes just pumped the contents from one bag to another and left. In the evening, when we went to bed, the bag was full.
In the morning, I got up before everybody, went out into the hallway and saw that the keys to the entrance door were rolled on the floor. Why is she throwing the keys? I leaned up and saw that there was something underneath the dog booth. I scattered and got: powder, mask, shadow, passport, notebook, pen, etc. and etc. In short, a full range of women’s bags. Everything is complete, nothing is broken.
The bag was immediately on the tap, and the valve was on the tap. The dog, realizing that the matter was not in the bag, but in the content, at night with his nose pulled off the valve, got absolutely everything and shakered under his booth. And the flat key he apparently dropped and could not then catch his teeth. If it wasn’t the key, I don’t know if we could guess if we were looking for a missing wife there and even think that it wasn’t a loss, not a theft, but a form of dog protest.
After that, the dog accepted and attempted to stop his wife no more. Just greeted us from work with a joyful whisper with a light blow of reproach:
“Look, you’re walking in the street all day, and I, the poor man, sit locked up and alone.
And what is interesting, the minor puppy did, in scientific language, three full cycles: planning an experiment - conducting an experiment - assessing the results - adjusting the plan according to the results of the assessment.
And you say: Pavlov’s dog, reflexes...

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