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The Unexpected Happiness of Mesia Henri

Somewhere in the mid-50s of the last century, a beginner photographer trying to make money on various kinds of sensational photos, Jacques Henri visited a promising idea. At the time, the Eiffel Tower hit the asphalt of another suicide, which in the history of this structure turned out to be the 99th. “What if I can record the anniversary? I was terrified by the brains of the Frenchman. “That’s how many lemons the newspapers and magazines will take away from me!”
Henry pretended that an average of 2 (two) suicides jump from a tower a year, which means that he will have to wait for the next one for about six months. The photographer compared his expenses for this event with the expected fee for the unique frame and decided – it’s worth it.
Planned and done. Messie Jacques went to the Eiffel Tower every day, literally as if he were to work - the good of the press representatives were allowed there for free - and waited for the anniversary miser. Being on the top, swallowing cooling coffee from a thermos and snacking crushing croissants (food he always took with him, afraid and for a few minutes to get out of the café), the photographer from the opening to the closure of the tower looked at the sides and kept the "leika" in full combat readiness. But it went day after day, week after week, and the tourists looked dumb on the roofs of the buildings, and none of them ever gave Henry the opportunity to get rich.
Cursed by the stumbling, unable even to trivial suicide people, the messenger Jacques decided that it is not necessary to watch everyone without discretion and constantly spin his tail around his axis - already the neck began to hurt, and began to look at the people around him more analytically, pretending who of them is able to break out, so to speak, from the life context; to put it simply, who looks more unhappy. It turned out that the dark faces on the tower were enough, but it did not bring to the photographer of Navar. In addition, many of the characters reacted too irritably when Henry looked at them carefully; the risk of stumbling into the phase and the profile was too great. Eventually, he began to pay attention to something completely different – shoes.
And indeed, if a man has shoes, what kind of money will he spend on a cheap ticket to explore the city's surroundings? For months of monitoring the shoes of the tourists - female, male, and children to a bunch, - he in the mokasins, boots, shoes, stickers gradually began to notice systemic defects and pretend opportunities for their elimination. And Henry suddenly got caught up with this new hobby for himself...
The anniversary suicide messier Jacques did not wait, but soon he opened his shoe workshop. Over time, the network of "Jacques Henri's Shoe Ateliers" covered all of Paris, and the failed photographer became a successful businessman.
It turned out that it was easier to earn money on solving even small human problems than on the misfortune of others.

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