— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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USERTIGER (01:22:02 3/05/2013)
I'll sell it all and I'll have 3410 again.
USERTIGER (01:22:17 3/05/2013)
So many babies are worth it all.
vitaliy-7 (01:23:27 3/05/2013)
The most popular phones in Europe. In the United States, the screen is 8 inches. And walking on the street with a tablet and talking without headsets.
USERTIGER (01:25:37 3/05/2013)
Ahahha, reminded me of the Chinese who spoke to 10!!! One inch in the subway!!! to
vitaliy-7 (01:26:16 3/05/2013)
Apply the opposite to the ear, the same feeling

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna