— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I saw an anecdote yesterday. Close to October. On the "zebra" came out a aunt on the focus, and behind her is a hatchback, everything as it should be - red sprayers, caps, stickers, and drove 18 years in a cap. In general, since the aunt was decent, she decided to surrender back and not interfere with pedestrians. The sixth does not notice. In general, I stumbled into the front buffer, while the threshold and thunderstorm was much more than it should be. I am standing in front of you watching all this. A boy jumps out of the sheet, runs back, and then I understand where the thunder came from - he picked up the rear bumper and put it in the salon, and only then ran out to scream on the aunt from the focus.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna