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About small miserable dogs that are dragged under the mouse.

Unfortunately, I could not briefly tell this story, but I think the story is very fun and interesting, even with my chrome narrative.

A day ago, I went to a shopping center in Stratford to buy a new shirt and tie. Going out of the store stumbled on a beauty, very short clothes, a strange color of skin, walked instead of shoes and a hairy creature with a sleeve. In London, we see such a rarity. Looking at this vanity creature (I am about the dog) I remembered interested in the story from my past.
In the late 1990s, I had a fighting dog of the boxer breed. A normal animal, but unfortunately stupid, the dog got me by chance, already grown up so that it is probably not worth blaming me for the stupidity of the animal. I led Santa to a special training, I think “OPS”, it was a special program where dogs were taught to protect the owner, to perform the command of fass, causing maximum damage to the attacker. I remember it was the 90s.
The dog trained at our club around 20-30. Basically, bulterier, Staffordshire terrier, dobermans, rottweilers and boxers.
Instruction was very intense from the dogs made combat vehicles.
The training was conducted in the woods, the people gathered specific, strong necks, heavy chains, I hope understand.
Everything was very serious, strictly, manly, until one day we came to the training, I would say not flying, cute, airy creature, in a pink suit with a light head. I think her name was Alice, so Alice brought a small dog, I can be mistaken, probably a dwarf bulldog, a face like a boxer, ridiculously snooping, and the size of a medium shoe.
We didn’t get an instructor, I thought Alice was just, confused, and just wanted to teach Tesic to sit and lie.
Alice and Tesic did not miss any lessons, Tesic was a very obedient dog, but to see without colics in the stomach as he performed, the command of fass, it was impossible, he was very funnyly running, curved and sharply jumped up to at least somehow jump to the chest of the attacker, our dogs were taught to work on the throat.
Once, without Alice, we asked the instructor why this circus, he replied, Tessic may and will not be able to protect the hostess, but shake the attacker and give the hostess a few seconds to escape in his power.
Tesic and Alice did not appear at the training for a month, we began to forget the evil flights of Tesic, as one Tuesday we saw a familiar pink suit and after a few steps we saw Tesic. Tesic looked strange, his little body was overwhelmed, but as I thought he was walking proudly, if you can say as a hero.
Alice said she was attacked a few weeks ago by a man trying to rape, rob, and possibly kill. When he showed her a knife and ordered her to dress up, she was frightened, her legs became cotton, and her head stopped working from horror.
After a few moments, Alice heard an animal crying, full of pain. There was a shadow in the face of her rapist. Tesic, taking off, stepped his small teeth into the maniac’s nose, while very quickly rubbing his face with his tiny legs.
The rapist whispered, Tesic waved, snorted and snorted at the same time, and Alice was afraid to crush.
The attacker managed to pull the dog from his face and he rushed away, but Tesik laughed and tried to catch him where he was on his curved legs.
Alice cried when she told us about her misfortune, and her harsh faces showed respect for the small but fearless hero.

And what happened to Tesic, why he was in the bandages, one of us asked.
And he was in the bushes, answered Alice.
These are funny, handsome dogs.

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