— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My friend Max has been riding around Los Angeles in a minibus for many years and repairing and installing household appliances – all kinds of washing machines, dryers, microwaves and air conditioners. It doesn’t matter what he repairs. It is useful that Max knows physics well.

I understand your confusion. After all, the connection between the repair of the air conditioner and, say, Newton's 2nd law - well just no. It's right, there is no connection. There is a benefit...
In the words of Max.

That day was busy. I changed the air conditioner at 3 employees. I hit the car in the morning with candy boxes, I eat. Rather, the car under the weight settled capital, and the road - in the mountains.
I installed two air conditioners, I look at the third call I am late. Well, I - on the gases (the car became half empty), but I didn't have time to jump through a couple of quarters - the policeman stops for excess speed, writes me a fine and wishes me a good day.
What is this, on the Fig, I think, a good day, if now the weekly salary of the dog under the tail? Could I go to court and try to get this penalty? What the fucking joke? After all, if the policeman does not appear in court, then I automatically won.

A police officer appeared in court. The judge listened to his version and said to me, say, can you say something in your excuse, or am I just closing the case? This insult took me. Half of the hazard. I think I’ll tell you how fast I was.
– Your honor, I say, the officer’s radar is lying! I was riding a loaded car in the mountain. Nothing happened when I was stopped. I just’t have had time to reach the speed that the policeman is talking about. All the laws of physics. Do you want to prove?
The judge was a normal man. With a sense of humor.
He smiled, and proved it. If you do, I will let you go in peace.
Well, I gave him a course of physics for 9th grade with formulas and charts. Mass, distance, acceleration etc. He doesn’t have to know that I’ve gotten a bit of the weight of the car :-)
He released me without a penalty, as he promised. Everything honestly.

And I, by my foolishness, two weeks later came to the same grabs. Just another place and with another police officer. And then he went to court again (one time passed, maybe again passed?)

I come, and I shrink. The judge’s seat is the same as last time. This is despite the fact that there are at least 15-20 judges working... Luckily, you won’t say anything.
The judge is listening to the police officer (the law blaster is stuck in the court again, for my "happiness") and becomes dark. Well, I think, Pepe... now he will play on me and for this time and for this time...

And the judge turns to me and says, "If I give you the word now, you will again present me a bunch of formulas and schedules, and convince me of your innocence. Therefore I will not give you words...I will let you go.
But if you, Mr. Physic, again find yourself in my court with a similar violation, I will deprive you of your rights for at least 3 years.
No laws of physics will save you.
The judge, as I said, had a sense of humor.

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