— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Call for technical support of a program running through a web-interface
You know, it doesn’t open up for me.
This may be due to two reasons – you have a low internet speed, or you are using the wrong browser. What browser do you have?
-mmmmmm, yeah, and you couldn't call it any other way, or I don't understand in your terms.
-MMM, yeah, that's where you type the address of our program.
This is www.te
No, this is not the address itself, but where do you enter it, how it is called?
Internet Explorer, do you have any options?
I guess you have a problem on the internet.
The internet is great!!! to
What is the speed?
-mmmmmm, good, and there’s speed, I’m telling you your program doesn’t work...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna