— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in one African country.
Late in the evening, we sat with a friend in the hall of the hotel and pulled a beer.
We felt good enough and there was nothing to do.

Gina, you don’t know a single word in English! Let me teach you a little. A thought came to my mind.
Yes, let it go.
and well. Today we teach... number 5: Five. by Fa-yv Faithy Yv. and repeat.
and Five!
is excellent. Enough for today, I think we’ve already overtaken. Time to go to sleep.

I don’t know why the files. We separated by numbers and the next morning I forgot about that conversation.

The next day was a visit to the souvenir shop.
Who doesn’t know, guides always drive tourists to certain shops. Prices are always horse prices.
There were few people from Russia. We went into the store. To each of us ran a personal "sales manager" and began to accompany.
As soon as Gene took a statuette from the shelf, the seller began to praise the goods.

This is a very valuable thing. The manual work. The black tree. The master makes one statue for several days. First, he looks for a suitable tree, then cuts it with a knife, covers it with... 80 dollars. It’s $80 and it’s yours. The seller started.

Since the story was in English, Gene did not appear interested and did not rage at it.

Well, not about 80. Let me give you a discount for $70. The seller did not.

Gene continued to roll silently in the statuette’s hands.

The last price is $50. Understand me, below I just can't go down... - tried to appeal the seller.

and Five! Suddenly, Gene interrupted him.

Okay Five! The seller agreed and invited Gene to the box office.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna