— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The commission fell upon us unexpectedly, like snow on our heads.
It has been talked about since our purely civil factory was taken under its wing by the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. We even expected a top ministerial chief to appear somewhere at the end of the month, but not in a week.
Everyone ran in the factory, from the chief engineer to the cleaner; endlessly something was rubbed, cleaned, twisted and lubricated.

Having seen the half-broken ventilation pipes in the metalworking workshop, the chief engineer demanded satisfaction from the same chief but mechanic. And my project on pneumatic removal of metal scraps and dust, which had been dusting on the desk at the chief mechanic for several months, was immediately launched.

On the appointed day, a thick ministerial official in a new shirt hat and his accompanying naked persons began a valley tour of the factory. The commission watched, smelled, and... grabbed everything she saw. Only it was heard - to change, paint, repair, etc. and etc.

In the metalworking workshop, the head of the commission saw new shiny pipes.
This is what? He asked strictly.
- This is our new extraction system., - unwillingly stretched on the stand "humbly" chief engineer.
“Hmm,” said the official with doubts, “she doesn’t pull the fuck!”
– It pulls... look, – and the chief engineer brought to the suction pipe a single metal pipe, which immediately disappeared in the pipe.
One shot is not an indicator. The inspector smiled and tried to look into the tube.
At the same time, the th. The inspector shone brighter bright tubes - the system pulled the hat off his head, for a moment delayed the expensive headscarf of the sucking patrol, greedy clutching, - and the hat disappeared.

Red, like a tomato, the inspector died as soon as he got back his memento, oily and metal-dust-covered hat. After a while, we were informed that the inspection went without notice.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna