— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I want to say to a girl from, outraged by the same cost of dresses 44 and 52 sizes...
Are you finally fucking?! to
In fact, the dress is an object, not a material. Work on a smaller dress takes as much as on a larger dress, materials - about the same amount. You won’t require a red toothbrush to be more expensive than a blue toothbrush if you suddenly find that a red toothbrush is more expensive?
You are also a selfish selfish. Because if you were 52 in size and 44 in foot size, you’t think you want to spend less on pieces, because “there’s less material out of them.” If it is so worn - buy fabric / leather / shoe fabric and wrap it yourself. The work, of course, will be free of charge. Fuck the lovers of the halwa, trying to crush it where it is not placed not only them, but in principle.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna