— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I decided to go to my grandmother for the summer. And they temporarily live with our young, full of ambition and contempt, cat. And now every day as soon as the cat's daughter sees - well, you understand: eyes, eyebrows, tail and all that. The cat tolerated humbly. Then I became sorry and prohibited her from touching the beast when he was eating. She whispered, whispered, but finally understood and now just stands nearby: admired how the chicken eats.
The cat was not stupid. I knew he was safe at dinner. And when the child came out of the corner, he began to rush to his bowl and EAT! For almost a month, the cat has been on enhanced food. He eats even when he’s under a rope. I already got 2 kilos extra. I look forward to carrying this longolier home with fear...But no one is touching him. So here.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna