— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The second story from Igor Petrovich, a retired lawyer, the father of a little truthful girl Anetka.
Anetka grew up, learned, married, gave birth to her daughter, Olenka, and became a judge. And during a conversation with my husband in a close family circle, it was decided not to post my mother's profession. At least Anna insisted. And the husband of Anetchkin was completely confused.
How should I answer a child’s question? Should I lie?
Tell me something.
A little girl comes to me and asks where, say, my mom works. What should I answer? In the slaughterhouse?
Don’t shake my head and don’t portray an idiot, you’re an adult man.
And, it must be said, Aneschkin’s husband did not follow the family legal path. He is a composer. A man, so to speak, is creative. Anetche on the first date dedicated a musical work of his own composition. What advantageously distinguished him from the diverse courtyard spana, whose musical knowledge was limited to three chords. Annette was so upset.
But this situation had a reverse side. The Anetchino family considered her husband to be a lame man, a thief, who can only crack on the piano. He does not go to the factory until eight in the morning, he does not get his salary. However, the composer's income eventually exceeded the income of the lawyer, and formally the son-in-law had nothing to show. But some note of neglect in the attitude slid through. If you have nothing to do, go for a walk with your child. No need to look out the window and wait. You can wait and move your legs. No, he can catch up. It is equipped with wings.
My husband had nothing against walking. She loved and danced. And so the favorite and regular object of their visits became the local amusement park. Wheel of view, carousels, crawlers, slot machines, barrel with quas, buffet with cookies. The march, which for other children was a holiday once a month, has become a routine, even to say, routine.
In addition to the direct pleasure of all kinds of pleasures, Olya could negligently throw something like “ah, again these carousels” or “how tired of this sugar wool.” Such, as we would say now, the "glamorous" way of life elevated the Elephant above the girlfriends by three heads and made her somebody like a little princess.
Aneschkin's husband is still concerned with the women's hearts, and then, being a little over thirty, in soft geek shoes and velvet jeans, he was simply irresistible. No Alain Delon has even run around. Girls-carousellers, managers of slot machines and sugar wool sellers instantly noticed a lonely daddy-dendi who loves his daughter and never appears in the company of his mother.
Clearly, the girls began to throw the pins. And so carefully, through the daughter. According to a well-known scenario.
Who is so beautiful here? What is your name, girl?
The Elephant!
What is your father’s name?
by Artem!
Why don’t you take your mom with you?
The seller is slightly choking, but the hope is still warm. Maybe the mother died in a terrible car accident, and a good dad, in order not to injure the child's psyche, tells the child that the mother is at work. Therefore, there is a question of control on the machine.
Where does Mom work?
Dad is stressed. He remembers a recent conversation with his spouse and a clear instruction that the child should answer such questions. There was no explanatory conversation with the child. And before, somehow, the topic of my mother's profession in conversations with Olivia was not affected. Therefore, the father begins to think feverishly about how to so delicately engage in the conversation of the child with the seller and get away from the slippery question.
It should be noted that parents often underestimate the acuity of children's hearing and children's intelligence.
- At the slaughterhouse - clearly, with an icy tone, Elenka answers the seller's question and stares hard in her eyes. She doesn’t need a competitor for her dad either. Suddenly he will start to ride the saleswoman on the carousels and feed her with cotton candy? No to you, dude.
On this day, the lawn with the watt closed early. The next day, the cries to the elephant's dad stopped.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna