— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In comments to news about the reform of the RAN:

1) to disperse the RAN, to write in the academicians only those who will wish and who will approve the sunshine - academician Kadyrov, for example.

2) A non-profit public organization of the RAS, as receiving funding from abroad, should be declared a foreign agent.

3) The property to take (take them and the rooms of the board), to sell through liquidation commissions. Or transfer to the management of trusted "academics" under offices.

4) Detect violations, hang all on Livanov, to declare his secretary guilty.

5) To remove the program "academic affair" on NTV, to show that all scientists, in essence, are miserable, salesmen, speaking in an incomprehensible language, not believing in the greatness of God, reading questionable books from the West. To show what a simple carpenter from the factory thinks about this, then to appoint this carpenter as the minister of science.

6) To deceive a passing by the Big Scientist because of a bug, to give him Russian citizenship, housing in Chechnya, to let him go further to Belgium or where he originally went there - to catch butterflies in Sumatra.

7) Announce the Program of the Renaissance of Science, allocate 100,500 billion, build a miracle city in Norilsk, bridge across the northern icy ocean, bring the Tajiks there - to depict scientists.

Preparations for the World Scientific Olympiad. of 2020.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna