— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I answer everyone in order.
In their color, women are usually painted if a gray appears. She is still in her 20s, and gray hair is visually aging. The color is perfect for most people.
Lemon juice is a wonderful natural spotting agent, don’t be afraid. You can check by pressing the juice directly from the lemon on the spot.
The question about Gandalf and Dumbledore - the banana, has already been answered. I will remind you briefly: Gandalf (Olorin) will win. He is one of the most powerful Majars (in fact, the youngest gods of the Tolkien world), and by default stronger than even the great magicians.
I almost forgot! On the stamp of the Post of Russia the date is indicated in a six-digit format ( Č mm гг), the last 2 digits - the time.
Life is not as terrible as it might seem.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna