— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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By the way, at 8 a.m. on Saturday, it turns out, there is a lot of interesting happening on the almost deserted streets of our big city.
So, for example, I was a witness to how the DPS suddenly stopped 3(!!!) cars at a time. I had been lighting green for a long time, but it became very interesting how everything would end.The first was just moving around the meeting, apparently from the gas station, which was nearby. By the way, leaving there is really terrible, in order to leave there, without breaking the rules of the PDD, you need to make a huge hook.
So his DPS was stopped, severely blocking the passage of his forehead into his forehead.He only blamed his hands and crashed on the gasoline.
The second man left after the second and stood up immediately. He went out, said that he saw that one was going, so that he would not go? I thought there was no DPS.
The excuses of the third unfortunate outside of the competition: "I, he says, thought that the DPS arranged an action and distributed gifts, otherwise all these men went under the brick? So I went"
This is how the DPS patrol started its Saturday day. Once you pay, you earn a monthly salary.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna