— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

Max: Van, I understood why Daška kicked me out so actively yesterday!
Max: Yesterday was the fries, I went home from lunch (well fucking, the shirt is completely wet, how will I talk to the subordinates?). I come home, there is silence. I think it’s fine, even though I’m swimming calmly.
Max: I go to the bathroom, I see the light burning - ah, the lady is at home. I go therefore, the picture with oil: Darya with a black mask on the face (some kind of clay), with a cake on the head of shampoo, attention!!! Pulling bubbles out of the soap! With knives!
D is beautiful!
Max: I’m so stunned, and she’s rattled, she’s seriously saying – punish the one who didn’t! Takes my shampoo, pour it into the soap and pleased to let the bubble in me!
Max: Girl 26 years old, yesterday she treated me about the fact that children are happiness, persuaded to have a baby!!! Do you imagine?? to
I: She didn’t play yet, what did you stick? I don't know about the knives :D

Luckily for people! I don’t care about women like that...ehh.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna