— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in the 70s. Athletes-parachutists to replace the UT-2-R arrived the UT-15 system. This dome has two small lifting parachutes, which when opened the plasma can press to the back, so it is strict in opening, you need to open with a slope to the head and a little to the side.
Athletes decided to test a new parachute on "Ivan Ivanach", so parachutists call a sand-filled mannequin. Wear a parachute on the "Vanku", installed an automatic device of about 600 meters and loaded it into the plane.
At this point, the UAZ of the checking from the "big" headquarters, headed to the jumping field, appeared in the distance. One of the athletes decided to rest and sunbath and so as not to get in the eyes of the superiors, took a fitting canvas, placed it in two hundred meters from the start in the high grass and relaxed.
The plane reached 2000 meters. The checking Lieutenant Colonel, in order to show that he is supposed to be dealing with the parachute affair (and he judged a couple of times to jump, saw how the athletes jump, on this his knowledge and ended) began to look at the aircraft in the TZK (aircraft command pipe, but because of the weight and the way of transporting it in a joke still called a heavy green box). In 2000, Ivan Ivanovich was dropped out of the plane. How can a mannequin fall? Naturally disorderly. But the inspector, looking into the pipe, began to comment on the performance of a complex of figures by the mannequin:
Left, right, salto and left
The athletes laughed at the "specialist", but remained silent. At that moment, the machine worked, waiting for the suitcase. Due to the disorderly fall, the parachutes stuck behind the mannequin and the parachute refused. Someone at the start calmly commented:
– Oh! The parachute did not open again.
The inspector was waiting tightly for the parachutist to open the reserve. But "Ivan Ivanovich" clearly did not guess that the reserve (which he did not have) should be opened, and continued, disorderly crawling, approaching the planet. The inspector rushed to his UAZIK with cries to the soldier-driver:
Go where he falls!
The soldier was on the jumping for the first time, and then some "Vank" dies in his eyes. In general, the fighter fighter fell into a stupor. The inspector rushed to the supposed place of fall. At this moment, the sand-filled 60-kilogram "Ivan Ivanovich" fell a couple of meters from the burning athlete. The man jumped straight toward the rushing Lieutenant Colonel, saying:
What did you scream there? You can kill too!
Those who were at the start tell that this Lieutenant Colonel did not build an expert from himself anymore. For a long time I could not get rid of the sting.

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