— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A 36-year-old resident of the U.S. state of Tennessee filed a lawsuit against the largest equipment manufacturer Apple, accusing the company that because of their fault he became addicted to pornography.
According to the man, he "settled" on adult movies like a drug, making several mistakes in writing the address of the social network Facebook in the browser Safari.
In his 50-page complaint, Savier insisted that Apple had destroyed his happy marriage. According to the man, the division of the family could not have been if the company “take care of special filters that protect users from pornographic content.” The American is deeply upset that the corporation is not warning its customers that watching pornography can lead to severe addiction.

Murakami: He is right! Respect the Americans!
Igor: And I got the wrong door and got behind the yandex card into the alcohol shop, started to knock, you have to file a lawsuit on him. and AGA.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna