— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I had another case - I was wearing a short haircut at the time. And my husband told me a couple or three times that he really liked when I had long hair. So I decided to check. I went to the central market and bought a belt-long pearl. The dress. I wait. It comes. 0 of reactions. I still sit in front of him, covers dinner, hair is almost washed in the plate. No any reaction. I feel hot somehow. I tolerate. Ask him, and you don’t notice anything. And the hair itself so squeezed to the side. He looked at me, looking carefully. And then he says - " Do you have a headache? Why are you so nervous about her?" And here I can’t stand and shake my wig! You would see that face! Death with a goat would probably have scared him less!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna