— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It is ridiculous*
As long as it will continue here male nuts and complaints on "you’re good, but we won’t do anything"?! Is such an incomprehensible truth - most women do not want to manifest themselves as scandals and scandals, do not want to seriously hurt a person, to inspire complexes to him with their refusal - but there is not a lot of love with him and you need to break up, and not shake your head and him - so they try to do it politely and without incidents. What did not come out with the novel is not an excuse to declare a person as "bad" - no one is guilty of anything. If the boots with gloves do not form a pair, it does not mean that the boots or gloves are bad, it means that for a pair of boots you need a second booty, and the gloves somewhere else will be happy to meet the second gloves. But no, correctness is not in our honor, we better accuse women of some mythical "attraction to the wicked!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna