— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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..."From the general human habits of any position, Vasya is shy and leads to a purposeless existence. From the point of view of Buddhism, it is freed from passions and close to enlightenment.

In fact, it is Nihua. In WOW, the same passions reign.
Is the lancer for the bead? But Vasya shakes on a new dragon as a means of transportation.
Fashion clothes for hipsters. But at the same time Vasya grinds for days to dress her character.
Sport is boring. But our Vasya harasses the reflexes of pushing buttons and strategies as a typical spotman.

So from the point of view of Buddhism, it simply replaced the social games of the real world with the social games of the virtual. And to enlightenment is not closer to any hipster.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna