— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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For those who want to weigh.
Think of London.
I go on a steam truck Kiev-Moscow, customs officers come to Kharkov.
Without alcohol? Looking at it, what is a notebook?
Check out for prohibited information.

I turn on the MacBook, the officer confidently ticks the mouse in the Finder.
I think they are advanced.

The customsman scratched the hat.
“I don’t understand, but where are your disk C, disk D, and My Documents?? to

Steve Jobs was good.
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Trains from Moscow to Kiev do not pass through Kharkov. The Ukrainian customs department is in Konotope, the Russian customs department is in Susemka. Dig into the files of the laptop are not powerful and even never try, the bags are rarely wooled.And so yes, the macbook is cool, good.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna