— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dimona’s Linux will soon become paranoid!
2: Hi, what is it?
1: After the last update, the sound in his headphones disappeared - he also has columns + headphones on different ports.
2: Yes, it is already interesting :)
1: Yeah he, plowing the floor of the internet overwhelmed, two weeks of brain fucking. Even in the bourgeois forums, there is a sound on the columns, and it is deaf in the ears. Psihanul, with the words “I’m not worthy of wearing a beard,” began looking for a shave.
2 of Ieyasu?
1: Brittwo found behind the system... along with the cause of the malfunction: he when the computer was upgraded - went for tea, and the headphones forgot to remove - they flew out of the nest, and then the system, pressing the wire, did not let the plug!
Have you shaved your hair?
1: No, he threw the shave back, put the plug in place, took the machine - leveled the beard under the shave with the words "electron paths are untold" >_<

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna