— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work a finishing machine with a concrete partner Volodey on a very and very high-voltage substation. When passing a short course of TB, Vove was punished: "Cop carefully: a cable may lie under the ground!"
I’m back from lunch, Volodya’s already sprinkled with a scarf, he’s all working. Suddenly he stopped and began to shake. The spectacle is horrible. I run to Volchik 50 meters, looking with my eyes for some rod and a traitor's cable, into which the poor man was wrapped with a spade and which this rod needs to be thrown away. I run, the woods tremble, the birds sing, the flowers smell.
In general, my partner in the headphones listened to the mouse and the dubstep danced. I owe it to my ice cream. For not beating.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna