— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

I live in Vienna.

and? I live in Russia,

I live in Beijing. On lighthouses, cars, bicycles, pedestrians and other participants of the movement all pop. Cars can be parked anywhere. I myself was driving with a private taxi driver who took me over the one-sided bridge through the Hayway to meet the traffic, the signal of the opposite. Everyone is signaling each other, but no one is paying attention to anyone. Parking Chinese can only with the help of assistants, people standing on the street and screaming to them where to turn the wheel. The back mirrors are not used. There was a case when on the parking lot of a expensive hotel our guy sent these helplines and parked himself, when he got out of the car, he heard each other say, "Strange lavois (strangers)." How do they park in the mirrors?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna