— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One of my colleagues, who once worked as a police investigator for 20 years, told me how one day mice broke into the chamber and bit the seized samples of drugs. Imagine then the picture: the corridor of the UVD - and a mouse goes through it with a zig-zag. She’s popped on people, popped on screams – she’s under the pit!
And one day we, then practitioners in the district prosecutor’s office, were sent to destroy by act the witnesses in the already closed case. Well, they took the boxes, opened up the desert behind the building, set fire... Then the act was made: said, such things in the criminal case number such things were destroyed by burning. All would be nothing - and only among the scientists there was a hammer and foam, formally also burned. The assistant prosecutor who gave us the assignment: "Well, the practitioners went! They desire to burn from the fire.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna