— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + -7 - ]
xxx: hello, my ancestors in Vladik for two days to remove the tag that velkam
yyy: no... I have a computer noise has become hell I will treat him tonight
YYY: Do you have a machine oil, you like a cooler?
I'll tell you, but only you keep silent and no one's word OK
YYY: Did you give aliens the formula of non-inertia oil?
xxx: I lubricate with vaginal lubrication. 100 rubles in the pharmacy
YYY: You’re a you mean that you always have a lubricant at home?
That is the kind of thing. 😉
YYY: I knew it! I knew you were a fucker!! Wait until 9 a.m. and let the flowers come!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna