— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Almost a joke.

In the “fried” news he read that Nelson Mandela is recovering from a severe illness, and his condition is improving.

In 1962, when I was a year old and I had no idea yet, the evil racist imperialists threw him into prison. When I first learned about his existence, he was safe for several years. All my flowing childhood and pioneer-komsomol youth passed under the slogans on the front lines of “Truth”: “Freedom to the prisoner of apartheid, to the defender of all enslaved, Nelson Mandela!”

I finished school and served in the army. I married, and I had a daughter and then a son. The Soviet Union, the defender of the Negroes of all countries, had a few months left of life when Nelson Mandela was released in the 1990s.

The union collapsed. The word “communism” has become almost insulting. There have been dozens of wars and revolutions in the world.

I became a grandfather twice. Those who have fought for the liberation of the ever-living Negro African for 30-40 years are not among us, and few remember their names.

The 95-year-old Nelson Mandela is getting better.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna