— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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by Serdyukov:
In 1985-89 (I don't remember exactly), working in the service of the Chitinsky A/P movement, I listened to an interesting dialogue between the RC dispatcher and the Tu-154 crew, which was transiting east. Since the MDP started working at 8:00 a.m., and the matter was early in the morning, the An-2 that took off from some small site tried to report the take-off through this Tuška to get instructions and the dialogue sounded approximately as follows:
"Listening-control, 232nd"
"232nd, I answer"
There An-2 with an incomprehensible calling asks to convey to you that he follows from some kind of hero to some kind of... ui and asks MBV on the route.
After a lengthy pause lying under the table, the controller replied without a note of irony in the voice: “I understood, 232, pass on to the board that the MBV flight from Kyker to Kokuy 1950 was given.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna