— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ]
ApxuBatop: Hi the prostitute!
Chapter 3: The Gift
ApxuBatop: Are you studying?
Theme 3: No
ApxuBatop: Are you counting on your fucking luck again?
Tagged 3: yes
ApxuBatop is Lana. We will check it.
ApxuBatop: Guess the number
Chapter 3: I guessed
ApxuBatop: herase
ApxuBatop: O_O
Thirsty_3: 8-)
ApxuBatop: Noa a happiness?
Three – and happiness.
Chapter 3: I guessed too
Tagged with: drink
ApxuBatop: how is it? I did not guess the number, but the letter.
I guessed the number that corresponds to that letter.
The shortest number of letters in the alphabet
ApxuBatop: Fuck you! The electric number is 10.
ApxuBatop: I am surprised
ApxuBatop: Making the Impossible

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna