— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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> We have a board of directors today. They came from all over Europe to discuss the affairs of our righteous.
The last two weeks in the office have done everything they haven’t done in the last two years.
> cleansed, painted, crushed maculature and other shit (old like mammoth shit)
The hand-leading rank of the smaller dropped everyone on the subject of how to behave, talk and look at the high guests
30 minutes to 8 p.m.: the most met at the airport and carried to us by courtesy
25 min: employees prepare for lunch, in the aquarium, the sales department deals with some steam
> it was sinking.
20 min: the project manager crashes on a girl practitioner (“he doesn’t bother...”), who, in turn, runs into it with a notepad, misses and breaks one of the glasses of the aquarium in the dredges.
> 15 min: the whole floor runs away to see the fragments and continue the performance
10 Minutes: In the kitchen the unknown hero forgets his potatoes, which he put to baked (!) In the microwave
8 min: The whole floor smells of baked potato coal
5 min: all those who are not involved in what is happening in a quiet atmosphere try to pretend furniture and merge with the walls
Hour X: Tolerant Europeans pretend that the fragments on the carpet are an element of decor, the smell of baked potatoes are new flavours of sticks, and the color of the skin of employees correlating with the color of the walls is part of the corporate style.
> Vaseline is never too much.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna