— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hello girlfriend, what’s new?
Hi Katy, Hi... Do you want to fuck?
I’m always "for" you know))
and shorter. Vanka now lives with his mother, and I live with my own, well, repair with we left him earlier from work to fulfill the marital duty, decided to fulfill it with his mommy, came, so, such, the process went, and only he ran off, the cell phone calls - mommy. The guy says, Wang, I won't come for lunch, you don't wait for me, he answers her - said, and I won't go, there's a lot of work. Tom said he was buried for dinner.
What was our surprise, when after 5 minutes the door opened and the mother-in-law went in with his caregiver, saying at the same time - Andrew, Vanka will not come for lunch, so we go to the bedroom... and Andrew went into the bedroom...
The main thing is that everyone understands each other.
The main thing, Katy, is that I have a beautiful mother-in-law)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna