— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a great respect for those guys who are courageously sending someone to shit on the internet. Such strong ones! True, they forget all the time that if they tried to say the same thing, they would scratch the saliva and run to the mom to complain, scratching the notebook and the diary.

You know, there are such people who, in reality, send all the shit and do not scratch, which is typical, rather the opposite. Do you really respect them?
There is a good principle on the Internet: don’t get fooled. No matter what you do, there will always be someone who is better than you. A student’s nose? An adult beadlock will come and you will have to choose - faithfulness to your words or the beauty of the features of the face.
Therefore, leave your conversations about fisting to friends at the entrance, and think about the fact that a good indicator of intelligence is a healthy resistance to the verbal feces of idiots.
Yes, man, here a fucking student can send you a fuck. And praise everyone on his words until you yourself descend to his level. At that moment he won. Yes, you’re worse than a fucking student.

This is what I’m writing about – if you’re grown up, be smarter. If you are children - stop playing tanks, go to the lessons to do, let x2 remove normally.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna