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The 500 euro card is...

A free narrative of the incident that occurred with the singers of the Ukrainian choral chapel “Dumka” on December 8, 2007 in a southern French city.
By the tenth day of the tour in France, the supplies taken with them ended, and the artists demanded money from the leader of the ensemble to go to a local supermarket. They compiled a list of products, the manager, shaking his heart, issued a new 500 euro note, and in a long exhortative speech asked to handle the currency very carefully and economically.
The five biggest and hungry men went to the supermarket. We bought the products, put them in three carts, approached the box office. There is a young black woman sitting in the box, breaking everything in the box. The senior band, bass, stretches her a new note. But whether the cashier had never seen the 500-euro bills, or whether she had such instructions, but she thought the money was fake, and pressed the button under the box to call the guards. The guards came - two dirty blacks in smalted jeans, began to spit something on an African French speech, and one tried to tear out a 500-euro paper from his hands. Tenor, who knew everything about the dangers that guarded our tourists abroad, whispered loudly with a tragic voice: “Requeteurs!!!”
Oh the recetors! Well get it!
A couple of thumbs in the skull and the bottom, and after a few minutes, the secure lies on the floor, shouting with a gentle mat, so that they are not killed.
Meanwhile, a frightened supermarket manager called the police station, which was nearby, that buyers scandalized with staff. The divorce ended at the site, and the boss asked two officials already dressed in civilian clothes to look around on the way home to the store and put it in order.
By origin, these police officers were Algerian Arabs and looked like al-Qaeda and bin Laden.
When they entered the store, the tenor, who knew everything about the dark sides of the Wild West, cried out: “The recketers called for help!Ben Laden started screaming, al-Qaeda pushed the bass and tried to take a note from him.
A fight began, in which the police, who studied Jiu Jitsu, slowly gave up their positions to the dudochniks and fleetists - the countrymen of Klitschko.
The manager in panic called the city police department that they were attacked by the Russian mafia, let the local OMON be expelled. Five minutes later, whispering the brakes, a minibus stopped near the store, and 10 black-dressed special forcesmen jumped out of it: black armoured vests, black helmets with bulletproof glass removals, black machines with shortened trunks across.
Looking at the black doulas surrounding them, the bass leaned to the baryton and whispered:
That fifth must be given.
P.S The incident was cleared quickly and painlessly, the culprit was found to be the cashier.

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