— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Nowadays, in the local tax office, some man has long clarified all sorts of questions about his tax declaration. At the end, he came out of himself so much that almost his hysteria began, and the conversation went on heavily elevated tones (and not wisely). In general, they had a very indicative dialogue there with the operator in the window (you can hear, however, there was only a man):
M: But the transport tax you sent me for 84 rubles 60 kopecks, right? It’s on a motorcycle, right? Where is the transport tax on my car?
O :....
Q: Why do I have no car? (Histeric voice with capricious notes, slightly stretching words, as some girls like to do) And WHERE is she dressed?! to
O :....
M: How is this removed from account? Why do I know nothing about it? What did I come here then?! to
O :....
Q: Do you have a certificate from GIBD? O_O
O :....
M: The six yes, removed. In the year n. Where is my BMW?
O :....
M: Oh, you don’t have it! That is, a drive machine, it seems to be, but it is not!
O :....
M: I would like to know more, and where are my taxes on property, on land?! to
O :....
Q: Why am I not in possession of this property? So there is on your bases I am a poor horse-free... And for what then do I drop pennies every day for not paying taxes on this very property??!!! to

When it ended, I don’t know. My husband and I finished our business and went home.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna