— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ]
The issue of mentholic divorce.

Previously, it was used to install software. They caught all kinds of computer geniuses, such as the "computer ambulance. help"... On the phone (on the business card) made an order for the installation of a screw, office, nero, etc. The man sounded the bill, received consent and came to the address directly to the assembly.

RomanK: I once tried to catch the mints.Fortunately, all the copies were from MSDN, not compilations. I installed a window and an office. Here, the mentions themselves and disclosed, and since the assemblies from the site were small, and I didn't have time to hack, all copies were with a 30-day limit. The mentions went fucking. On the question:
Did you give it to us then?
There was a simple answer:
- What would you make sure that the wire is a gamma and got a disk with Linux.
He really roasted, gathered clothes, went to the store, bought cognac and went home.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna