— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I sit behind the PC... "PIC" - but hz.... 5 minutes have passed - "PIC", but this is no longer normal! The sound is not known, the pattern is 4 minutes. Opened system sounds, there is no such thing, used forums, opened a package of monitors and other shit... "PIC" - and not a fig, not one proga did not depend on error there is no and everything is here, and the sound is not known! Overloaded under Ubuntu (was on the windows), four minutes "PIC" - yes it's a horse, what fucking?! Added the sound in the columns - "Pixuka" didn't get louder, I think maybe the speaker on my mom. In the bios, crawling, I found nothing suspicious. Naoral on his wife, said that I will not let more for the PC... "PIC" - yeah! Again in the innet - somewhere I read that it is possible that there is some "Patience" condenser at bla-bla-bla. In the bios, turned off the speaker on mother - "PIC". The interval does not change (4 minutes), called a package of all kinds of gurus, said nothing - "PIK"...
It’s been hours two – "PIC" pause a couple of seconds "PIC-PIC-PIC" – and next to the phone from China is dying – SUKA!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna