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How I got acquainted with the amazing German legislation.

One summer, I was on a tram.
It is hot. Arriving at the meeting place, he wanted to buy a ice cream.

He put his hand in his pocket and it was empty. There is no wallet.
It contained 180 marks and documents. Passport, there, credit cards, travel and so on.
He immediately informed the bank of the loss of the credit card. The Bank advised to write a statement to the Bureau of finds. In a few days, someone will return the wallet.
I got upset and went to the office. He named his name, address. I received a form for application.
While issuing the application, two police officers and a citizen in handcuffs appeared with them.
I complete the disappearance statement. At the end of the ear I hear their conversation with the clerk.
They brought a man who allegedly found a wallet in a tram and wants to hand it over to the Finding Bureau.
I put everything on the table and I heard my name. The officer read the passport.

I did not believe my ears! Not more than two hours have passed, and an honest citizen (although in handcuffs) has already handed over my wallet to the Bureau of Finding! The mind is incomprehensible!

In the wallet everything was in place – passport, travel, credit cards and so on.
There were only 180 marks. The loss of money did not bother me.
Passport and credit cards on site.
It turned out, the city police patrol noticed at the stop a man who held in his hands an object resembling a wallet and cracked in it.
One of the policemen, recognized in this man a thief, who was not once hit with a rack and even sat for a while in the wardrobe.
After that, the police caught the thief on the street and detained him for explanations.

Wöryuga immediately made a statement that he was heading to the Bureau of Foundations to hand over the wallet of the strap that ran out of him at the tram stop. Indeed, he went to the opposite side of the Bureau find.

Since there were documents and credit cards in the wallet, the police immediately called the bank.
Then we went to the find office. There they met me.

The thief swears that the money in his pocket is his own (just 180 marks)! The police asked me to write a statement about the loss of money.
But I decided to accept the loss of money and not be connected to the German justice system.

Clerk ordered the office to return the wallet with documents, but without money.
The police drafted a record of the return of my wallet and my refusal to write a statement.
I paid the Bureau a find of 15 marks for the work on the application.

Then the miracles began. Claire told me that I should thank the citizen who voluntarily returned my wallet! And even indicated the legally existing amount for returning the wallet without money. It was 25 marks.
The police confirmed that I had to “thank” the thief because he was “voluntary!“As a ‘honest’ citizen, he went to the Office of Finding to hand over my wallet!

A total of 220 marks in minus. I “lost” 180 marks, paid 15 marks to the Bureau of Foundations, and 25 marks to return the wallet to Vryug.

But he was convinced of the good faith not only of the police of Germany, but also of the inevitable enforcement of the laws, which force the victims to pay with the thieves.
Happy end! There is no money!

The epilepsy.

Two weeks later, I was sent to court as a witness.
During the interrogation, the thief could not explain where he earned 180 marks and admitted that he took them from my wallet.
The court ordered 180 marks to be returned to me, but the 25 marks I paid to the wretch for the "return" of the wallet remained with him, since no one could refute his statement about the "voluntary" return of the wallet to me.
The law is the law!

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